Timeskip Mercedes
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Completed: January 2023
Best Journeyman Craftsmanship at Ohayocon 2023
Why I chose this costume:
I started this cosplay in the peak of my Fire Emblem craze, summer of 2022. I originally planned for her to be my Youmacon competition piece, but eventually got replaced by Spirit Blossom Syndra. She is a less popular character compared to my other cosplays like Marianne, Hilda or Byleth, and no patterns existed so I decided to draft her from scratch, my very first time doing so.
How I made this costume:
I did most patterning with trial and error, and frankly got lucky on a lot of it, not really needing do do 2nd drafts on anything.
I spent a lot of time on fabric choice, specifically the beige base, but never really found anything that clicked, so I used my draft fabric! I used a variety of textures, matte and shiny, textured and flat. I added a variety of trims and laces to add depth, and horsehair braid to puff up the skirt.
I really agonized over the details in this cosplay, with over 45 feet of hand pleated trim and 25 handmade buttons.
I really cut it close​, finishing the last few buttons in the hotel room the morning of the competition, and printing my build book an hour before my judging slot! But, it was all worth it in the end.
Final Thoughts:
I absolutely did not expect to take anything home with her- I didn't really feel good about my work. I rushed a lot of the bigger details, and I definitely got notion to that when getting judges' feedback. This cosplay was a huge demonstration of skillful sewing, but not much else, which I lacked. I am very proud looking back, though!
Looking back, I know I could have accomplished a product even more amazing, if I had simply planned properly and taken my time. But, school and life was tough, so I can forgive myself.